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Spherachutes LLC

Apex Drogue

Apex Drogue

Regular price $36.75 USD
Regular price Sale price $36.75 USD
Sale Sold out

Cd Rate: 0.61

Small: For use with 60" (38.12" Diameter) to 72" (45.84" Diameter) hemispherical Spherachutes. The Small Apex Drogue weighs 1.2 oz and when packaged by Spherachutes is 2"X2"X1.75".

Medium: For use with 84" (53.48" Diameter) to 96" (61.12" Diameter) hemispherical Spherachutes. The Medium Apex Drogue weighs 1.9 oz and when packaged by Spherachutes is 3"X3"X2".

Large: For use with 108" (68.76" Diameter) to 120" (76.40" Diameter) hemispherical Spherachutes. The Large Apex Drogue weighs 2.8 oz and when packaged by Spherachutes is 3.5"X3.5"X2".

Extra Large: For use with 144" (91.68" Diameter) to 192" (122.23" Diameter) hemispherical Spherachutes. The Extra Large Apex Drogue weighs 4.1 oz and when packaged by Spherachutes is 4.5"X3.5"X2.5".


The Apex Drogue's design increases the its drag as the speed increases. The concept is similar to a ballute parachute, which are utilized in underwater applications. The Apex has a small mouth for the air to enter which makes it nearly impossible for inversion. The drogue has three lines to minimize tangling. Each shroud line is secured to the drogue using the butterfly technique. This type of connection can withstand great amounts of force.  The line is rated at 440lbs breaking strength. We offer a free replacement on these drogues. Previously, the apex drogue was only offered in neon orange ripstop and black webbing. We now offer all our colors on this parachute. 

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